[ExI] Regarding Wickedness (was beowolf)

Stefano Vaj stefano.vaj at gmail.com
Sun Nov 25 13:53:36 UTC 2007

On Nov 25, 2007 8:26 AM, Lee Corbin <lcorbin at rawbw.com> wrote:
> Spike wrote
> > > Can we really say we shouldn't be helping the Iraqis beat this plague?  All
> > > cultures are not fundamentally equivalent.  It is our business because we
> > > are good people.  Al qaeda is evil.

Wow, indeed a relativistic position... :-)))

Just read from http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/11/25/zubrin_energy_terror_alcohol_plan/,
"In his time off from designing spacecraft, Zubrin has written many
books and articles promoting space exploration and industries. He also
wrote a satire on the Israeli/Palestinian/Arab problem of the Middle
East, called The Holy Land. In Zubrin's nominally sci-fi setting, an
interstellar Western Galactic Empire decides to resettle a group of
aliens in their long-lost homeland, which is in fact on Earth, in
America. The US government attempts to wipe out the Minervans by
force, but is defeated. Frustrated, Washington deliberately mistreats
the American refugees displaced by the Minervans, forcing them to live
in camps near the Minervan enclave as a propaganda opportunity. Then
the President sponsors deniable terrorist attacks on both the Minervan
aliens and the offworld Western Galactic Empire. The American terror
campaign is funded largely by offworld revenue from an advanced energy
source - much prized by the aliens - which has been discovered
elsewhere in the States. (Geddit?)"

Stefano Vaj

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