[ExI] Yesterday's Mashed Potatoes

Lee Corbin lcorbin at rawbw.com
Mon Apr 21 02:27:17 UTC 2008

Rick writes

> [Keith ] Henson replied:
> > While information has to be embedded in matter,
> > the particular material is not important.  It the
> > pattern of information that makes one person
> > different from another, not the particular atoms.

which was well said, and is the vast majority view here.

> This makes me think that:
> If it is the "pattern", then the information should be
> readily transferable when uploading, or even
> duplicatable if one were cloning.

Quite right. Are you beginning to consider that this in
fact might be the fundamental answer to your query,
namely that uploading (if carried out according to 
the criteria usually mentioned) would be no more
disturbing to who you really are than a good night's
sleep is?

> Wikipedia: "A pattern of information (or form) is
> the pattern or content of an instance or piece of
> information. Many separate pieces of information
> may share the same form. We can say that those
> pieces are perfectly correlated or say that they are
> copies of each other, as in copies of a book."

Thanks for the wiki quote. Yes. That's just how many
of us look at survival through copies.


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