[ExI] flds raid, was general repudiation...

John Grigg possiblepaths2050 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 30 03:13:36 UTC 2008

Lee Corbin stunned me by writing (and Rafal by agreeing):
When I was a kid in southern California in the 1960s, there
were two men who lived across the street. They kept very
much to themselves, but were always courteous and polite
whenever anyone would talk to them. Tongues in the
neighborhood eventually began to wag, but fortunately
no one thought of interfering. I don't even know if they
were officially commiting a "crime" in those days, but in
many states, they may very well have been arrested.
But you'll say, "well, consenting adults is okay". This
phrase "consenting adults" is of relatively recent vintage
and was and is nothing more than a rationalization. Times
change, and when we consult our feelings now, perhaps
we get different answers than we did then.

 "Oh, but they're only *children*!", the cry will then go out.
"They don't know what is best for them, their parents don't
know what is best for them, and their friends and neighbors
don't know what is best for them!

"But *WE* know what is best for them, and we have the
men, badges, dogs, and guns to prove it!"

Sorry.  I will not compare two *adult* gay men living together to 14 and 15
year-old teenage girls who were brainwashed by their parent's religious
cult/commune to enter into sexual relationships & have babies with with men
generally a number of *decades* older than they are, while the young men
*their own age* have been "cock-blocked" by the older males who are in
positions of power and want to horde the females for themselves.

I realize this was "how things were" for millennia among humans, but we
have matured/become more enlightened over the last century or so.
These men are horrific exploiters of the young teenage girls in their
community and they deserve to be jailed a long time for it.

John Grigg
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