[ExI] End of Story? Re: QT and SR

scerir scerir at libero.it
Tue Aug 26 13:31:05 UTC 2008

> > It is not safe to use a single looong spaceship, because
> > the front and the back like to accelerate differently and
> > ... people who take seats in front age differently from
> > the people who are on the back.

> But that's only true if the engines are separate and spread
> throughout the length of the spaceship.

It is the relativistic (single engine) rocket, in uniform 

>From what I remember, the front and the back of the
(single engine) rocket, accelerating uniformly, have 
different worldlines and they have different accelerations.
It follows that clocks run at different rates through
the rocket, and travellers age differently. Of course 
since the lenght of the rocket is small, these time effects 
(and the possible stress due to the differential acceleration) 
are relevant only in theory. 

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