[ExI] A paranormal prediction for the next year

Damien Broderick thespike at satx.rr.com
Sun Dec 28 00:57:53 UTC 2008

At 07:29 PM 12/27/2008 -0500, JKC wrote again:

>I predict that a paper reporting positive psi results will NOT appear in
>Nature or Science in the next year.

And as I reply every year, here is the place where your apparent 
logic needs further investigation =>

>And I  am sure the good people at Nature and Science would want to 
>say something about this very important and obvious part of our 
>natural world if they could

Whatever leads you to that conclusion, given that both papers have a 
stringent policy *against* publishing anything in this area? 
(Although they did not always have that policy.)

And why is that? Here's a clue from the horse's mouth:

Nature 427, 277 (22 January 2004) | doi:10.1038/427277b

Telepathic charm seduces audience at paranormal debate

John Whitfield

Scientists tend to steer clear of public debates with advocates of 
the paranormal. And judging from the response of a London audience to 
a rare example of such a head-to-head conflict last week, they are 
wise to do so. [etc]

Damien Broderick

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