[ExI] Electronic Circuit Question

Lee Corbin lcorbin at rawbw.com
Sun Mar 2 04:35:49 UTC 2008

Jef writes

>>  It didn't say. The circuit is supposed to have high output impedance,
>>  so I thought it wouldn't matter---and I'm pretty sure that that's what
>>  the authors are trying to communicate.
> The defining characteristic of an emitter-follower circuit is its
> **low** output impedance, capable of driving higher-current loads.

Oops.  Thanks for the correction. Yes, I meant low output impedance.

> Yes, the load would be in parallel with the emitter resistor, and
> ideally of approximately equal value for efficient coupling (energy
> transfer.)

Hmm.  Well, I still doubt it would matter any what the load is,
because, as you say, the point is to provide a low impedance
signal to the next stage. 

Do you think that maybe the transistor needs a certain amount
of *current* to keep going?  It might happen then that if the
base went down to -4.4V, the current it drew (i.e. over the
1K, about 5.6 milliamps) wouldn't be enough.  But I can't 
remember reading anything like that.


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