[ExI] How could you ever support an AGI?

Bryan Bishop kanzure at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 04:33:43 UTC 2008

On Sunday 02 March 2008, Robert Bradbury wrote:
> The problem is what happens to those of us who choose not to upgrade?

That's like asking what happens to those who don't change. They die.

> What happens to those humans unaware of the forthcoming transition?

Due to identity problems, I have no idea. But we can try to store their 
DNA, their minds, their stories, their data, never of course completely 
capturing their state, but it's better than waiting for them to die.

> I want to allow your future while I cherish my past. (edited)

The more you cherish the past, the more restrictive, the more 
structural, the more crystallized, less entropic, less living, totally 
dead. You said you are worried about the death of those five billion -- 
cherishing them too much will bring about their death.

> Please tell me how to do that.

Maybe if we have a sufficient gradient to attract enough people away 
from this planet and on to another ... but then you'll lose a 
significant portion of your past since so many people will just get up 
and leave (if the gradient is powerful enough). So this is more 
destructive than you might be looking for.

- Bryan
Bryan Bishop

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