[ExI] Stefano Vaj

Stefano Vaj stefano.vaj at gmail.com
Wed Mar 5 14:11:20 UTC 2008

On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 1:20 AM, giancarlos
> Hi, I'm Giancarlo from Italy.

As a few people here may already know, I have made it a policy of
never replying to the out-of-the-blue interventions of the author of
this message, a weirdo and notorious troll, already expelled from the
AITand even from its public list on its President's proposal, whose
unique mission in life is apparently that of supporting Fabio
Albertario's attacks against myself and the association in even more
extreme terms.

On the other hand, while according to the rule "never feed a troll" I
will refrain  from submitting an analytic discussion of the usual long
jumble of sentences out of context, innuendos, false translations,
mischaracterisations, and libelous inferences circulated once more in
this list, I remain fully available to clarify my views on this or
that topic, privately or publicly, to whomever might be interested in
knowing more of them.

In fact, I stand by what I think, I need not justify positions that I
never took in the first place.

Stefano Vaj

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