[ExI] Armchair Evolutionary Psychology: Larks vs Night Owls

Emlyn emlynoregan at gmail.com
Sat Mar 15 03:19:36 UTC 2008

On 15/03/2008, Damien Broderick <thespike at satx.rr.com> wrote:
> At 10:46 AM 3/15/2008 +1030, Emlyn wrote:
> >That kind of slight tendency in some genes could be self
> >supporting, and tend toward creating a sub group, the genes from late
> >group not mixing so much with the early group.
> The point about the sneaky fuckers (I think this sort of assumes
> you're talking mostly about the males) is that their genes are being
> scattered among *all* the women of the tribe, no? Or is it
> self-reinforcing in that night owl women are preferentially still up
> and about when night owl men are... up?
> Damien Broderick

Yep, night owl men and women are up, in the Benny Hill sense, at the
same time. No gender bias here, I think.



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