[ExI] We are all a process of change. {Terry}

citta437 at aol.com citta437 at aol.com
Sat Mar 22 12:37:02 UTC 2008

Lee writes: "Yikes!  I've been warning "radical uploaders" since 1990 
or 91 in an
article in the Immortalist by that name. If you choose (even willingly
and in full knowledge) any path of personal evolutionary development 
fails to provide for earlier versions of you to also get a little 
then you're just committing suicide in a brand new way. I'm shocked
that even folks like Ralph Merkle (conversation) years ago didn't see
any danger here.

Hi, why cling to thoughts of a person or a version of you? Thoughts 
come and go as the nature of movements or change.
Memes and genes do not commit suicide for their nature is to change or 
mutate randomly. Thoughts of suicide are thoughts arising from an 
egoistic desire/attachment to an idea of a self or hatred of a self 
which does not exist except as a thought.

Attachment to thoughts cause psychological suffering because the nature 
of thoughts/beliefs is change/ impermanence.


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