[ExI] highly profitable sexual practices

MB mbb386 at main.nc.us
Sat Mar 22 14:30:10 UTC 2008

spike writes:
> Ja.  Since my son was born, my TV time has been Bob the Builder, Thomas the
> Tank Engine, JJ the Jet Plane, Elmo, etc.  Last week we turned off the cable
> service, having viewed about 3 to 4 hours of cable since he was born 21
> months ago.

You've probably done the right thing. The internet is much more interactive and
thought provoking, and I'm sure Isaac is infinitely more interesting than an TV
program!  Also, he'll learn to amuse himself better without the BoobTubeBabysitter.
Lego, Clay, Crayons, playing in a sandbox, helping to cook, just running around
outdoors - all these are exciting and fun things for him to do. :)

And for quiet times there's always reading - IMHO the absolute Number One Best!


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