[ExI] Can you place this?

hkhenson hkhenson at rogers.com
Sat Mar 22 19:19:02 UTC 2008

I wonder if any of you can identify this passage?  I have changed 
"words" to "memes" since that's what would have been used if this had 
not been written in 1921.

"Are memes, then, so important and enduring?"

"Why, Manuel, I am surprised at you!  In what else, pray does man 
differ from the other animals except in that he used by memes?"

"Now I would have said that memes are used by men."

"There is give and take, of course, but in the main man is more 
subservient to memes than they to him are.  Why, do you but think of 
such terrible memes as religion and duty and love, and patriotism and 
art, and honour and common sense, and of what these tyrannizing memes 
do to and make of people!"

"No, that is chop-logic: for memes are only transitory noises, 
whereas man is the child of God, and has an immortal spirit."

"Yes, yes, my dearest, I know you believe that, and I think it is 
delightfully quaint and sweet of you.  But, as I was saying, a man 
has only the body of an animal to get experiences in, and the brain 
of an animal to think them over with, so that the thoughts and 
opinions of the poor dear must remain always those of a more or less 
intelligent animal. . . ."

Actually, it's not much of a challenge given the net.


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