[ExI] Yes Sam Harris Can

John K Clark jonkc at att.net
Wed Mar 26 17:28:56 UTC 2008

aiguy at comcast.net

> any man who would be so hypocritical, deceitful,  dishonest, and
> manipulative  as to pretend to believe in a religion just to get get
> elected would be the last person I would ever want to see elected
> into the  highest office of this land.

No human being has ever attained political office in this or any other
country without being hypocritical, deceitful, dishonest, and manipulative;
but that's OK, I'll take hypocrisy over stupidity any day and Christianity 

> The practical requirement to stay with a church in order to get
> elected is a byproduct or the wishes of the majority.

So what? If 51% voted to kill the other 49% would you have no objections?

> How would you know to vote for him?

You wouldn't, that one reason elections are a poor way to make
your wishes known.

> When we reduce an election to a popularity contest [...]

When they are? Elections have always been popularity contests
and always will be.

> we are abusing the very democracy and freedom to choose who will
> govern us.

Could be, but then I'm not really a huge fan of democracy.

   John K Clark

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