[ExI] Transgender man is pregnant

spike spike66 at att.net
Thu Mar 27 02:36:59 UTC 2008

> Amara Graps
> Subject: Re: [ExI] Transgender man is pregnant
> I think that his mixing the genders in the way he did 
> (probably, he felt that he had no choice) demonstrates the 
> spectrum of the genders. I think that this is fantastic, wonderful news...

Amara, forgive me for being pessimistic, but I have suspected since this
first hit the headlines that this whole thing is a hoax.  Possibly my view
is jaded from having gone thru 11 years of fertility treatments, learning
how tweaky is the reproductive system, the hormone balances so critical,
timing, etc, it is amazing it ever works.  I didn't say anything when this
first came out, and I could be wrong of course (I hope so.)



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