[ExI] What is the Right Reproductive Age?

Lee Corbin lcorbin at rawbw.com
Sat May 3 23:45:22 UTC 2008

Olga writes

> [Lee wrote]
>>> ... sources put the ideal age from a biological standpoint
>>> ranges between 13 and 17.
>> Yes. That's when girls should be having children. The correct solution 
>> would also entail their giving up those children to their own parents to 
>> raise, while they then continue their studies and pursue whatever life 
>> goals they have when---at age 40 or so---they can in turn parent (raise) 
>> their own biological children's offspring.
> OK, you mention the girl's parents.  Twice.
> However, by the time the girl is "at age 40 or so" - if/when she's ready to 
> "in turn parent" her children's offspring (after having chosen artificial 
> insemination.as you suggest) ... she will be a "parent," singular ... NOT 
> "parents."

Good point.

> I am not opposed to your idea, Lee - I see some practicality in it.
> But your plan still calls for "parents" (grandparents) to help out
> after a generation. With sperm banks, particularly - from where
> would one get, after a generation, the second parent to participate?

Either by then the woman will have married, or not. Probably either
way it should be her responsibility to raise her (grand)children.

> I can think of other things that would very probably be unworkable - or at 
> least unrealiable - with your plan, but this will do for now.

Many single parents raise children. And it turns out that the 
correlation between missing fathers and children turning out
badly is only a correlation. Children do not turn out abnormally
badly when the father is removed by death, for example. It
has been concluded that the children of single parents tend to
turn out worse because their parents are worse types to begin


P.S. It is nice if irrelevant parts of one's post are snipped, and
I had a great deal in that post (e.g. about Mormons) that could
have been snipped. Not only convenient for the rest of us, but
remember the blind people who have to wade through a lot
of irrelevant detail to get to the meat.

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