[ExI] The Singing Revolution

Fred C. Moulton moulton at moulton.com
Tue May 6 21:14:01 UTC 2008

I saw this movie over the weekend and I highly recommend it.   It is
playing in San Jose until Thursday.


On Mon, 2008-02-18 at 23:46 -0700, Amara Graps wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I saw _The Singing Revolution_ yesterday at the Boulder International
> Film Festival. The title refers to the revolution in Estonia, even
> though the events were generally proceeding in parallel with similar
> strides in Latvia and Lithuania. It is one of those films that you will
> likely never in your life, forget.
> http://thesingingrevolution.com/
> The New York Times has a review
> http://movies.nytimes.com/2007/12/14/movies/14revo.html
> Steve Jurvetson is the executive film producer, you can see his comments
> (showing his pride too) at his flickr site:
> http://flickr.com/photos/jurvetson/1419219274/ where his readers
> (including me) give more comments and links to movie reviews.
> For me, most of the story was not new, but there were a couple of
> astounding historical events regarding the winter 90-91 confrontations
> between the Estonian political groups: Interfront (pro-Soviet) and
> Popular Front (pro-Independence) of which I was unaware. The scene left
> me without breath; it breaks all rules for the behavior of 'mobs' and
> protests that western media usually show as the normal behavior. I heard
> the comment, repeatedly, that every peace organization in the world
> should see this film.
> You can see where the film is playing near you:
> http://www.singingrevolution.com/cgi-local/screenings.cgi
> After the film, you might want to understand more of the story. I have
> more parts of the story at my own web site:
> http://www.amara.com/Independence/LestWeForget.html
> Ciao,
> Amara

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