[ExI] Gazzumping the Dead

Damien Broderick thespike at satx.rr.com
Thu Nov 13 04:11:42 UTC 2008

At 06:20 PM 11/12/2008 -0700, John Grigg wrote:

>I'm so glad you never became a high school english teacher.

Or a pizza deliverator, for that matter. Luckily, I only got to 
supervise the occasional PhD, and many graduate students are 
literate. Unlike the dullard you url'd, whose insight into the free 
life prompted him to provide this tasty incentive to the LDS lifestyle:

"Mormons are also forbidden from drinking coffee or alcohol, from 
participating in sexual acts before marriage, from seeing R-rated 
movies, from working on Sunday (although exceptions are made for 
eventuating circumstances), and are highly encouraged to dress 
modestly at all times... I'm not sure why there are such strong 
anti-Mormon sentiments among the populace..."

Yeah, hard to grasp. But luckily, John, you escaped from all that 
deadening claptrap, right?

Damien Broderick

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