[ExI] New Browser: Google Chrome

Bryan Bishop kanzure at gmail.com
Thu Sep 4 20:53:25 UTC 2008

On Thursday 04 September 2008, Samantha Atkins wrote:
> 400??  You are truly one sick puppy.  :-)

Wait till I start yapping about how many monitors I'm using to do this.

> Seriously, what is the use for so many tabs?   Is it just a matter of
>   poor housekeeping on the part of the browser/user combo in not
> closing tabs auto-generated by following links?   I would think it
> would be a fair idea to have some upper limit and a LRU cache.

I wouldn't go as far as to call it poor house keeping. I simply come 
across a lot of links that I sometimes don't immediately read. Rest 
assured, I make very certain that I do, eventually, read something that 
comes my way. It just might be lost at the bottom of the stacks for a 
while that I spend off on something spontaneously more interesting that 
has hit me at the top of the queue.

I was going to hack konqueror last summer to save it to disk so that I 
could have the kernel "sift" through the open browser windows. This 
way, I could dynamically open up 400 tabs and still go back to 
something I opened up in the morning, etc. I didn't get around to 
this .. but the openmosix people are doing some related things (not 
with browsers, though).

- Bryan
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