[ExI] To Arms!

Dagon Gmail dagonweb at gmail.com
Sat Apr 4 22:22:59 UTC 2009

> The interesting part is that Italy and Spain have lower fertilities than
> the North Europe, when they were used to have hogher.
> Another more interesting point is that Morocco had a sudden fall of its
> fertility in the '70, when they needed to finance the war in the West Sahara
> and raised the taxes to the current levels.
> Iran have the same level of fertility as Italy, and the women are not so
> much empowered as in Italy or the US.
> This is, probably, also a function of the urbanization of large part of the
> population. More people live in city house, less space they have to raise
> their children. I could be wrong, but if the law mandated the construction
> of four bedrooms only apartments we would have much higher fertility.

Whereas a high fertility rates are bad, right?

I thought that had been

..unless you regard human beings as a means to an

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