[ExI] Muslim Threat to Europe- Don't Buy All the Hype

Dagon Gmail dagonweb at gmail.com
Fri Apr 10 08:47:22 UTC 2009

Careful there, before you know it you will be branded a coward, a sell-out,
a denier, a
hippie, a traitor, ahmenidaddinadinajad fan, an appeaser, "most likely to be
gay", raglover,
dhimmi, a liberal or a communist.

This is a contentious issue - the fanaticism of the small 1% of
schizo-muslims is only
matched in zeal and numbers by the xenophobia of their detractors.

2009/4/10 John Grigg <possiblepaths2050 at gmail.com>

> I thought this would be timely considering all the arguments lately about
> this subject...
> http://www.buzzle.com/articles/muslim-threat-to-europe-dont-buy-all-the-hype.html
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