[ExI] Structured analogies analysis of climate alarmism

JOSHUA JOB nanite1018 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 20:51:46 UTC 2009

> Another Armstrong & Green paper:
> History shows manmade global warming alarm to be false – and that  
> harmful policies will persist
> http://kestencgreen.com/green&armstrong-agw-analogies.pdf
Very interesting article. I am not convinced that man-made global  
warming does not exist, but I acknowledge it is not proven.

More importantly, I have no idea whether the global warming predicted  
by the IPCC would be bad. Obviously it might be (if snow melts become  
far scarcer because of it, then there may be water shortages and  
resource conflicts in Asia, for instance), but longer growing seasons  
might be beneficial.

If people feel it will be a problem, then they should fix it. Buy  
"carbon credits" or whatever, and invest in companies along the lines  
of the fictional Earth, Inc. from Stephen Baxter's novel  
"Transcendent" (they use genetically engineered bacteria to clean up  
oil spills and dump sites, use gen-en algae to absorb CO2 and build  
coral reefs, etc. all for a profit). Such companies exist now, and I  
see no reason why there should be government action when private  
action will do just as well.

I enjoyed that they brought up the case of DDT. Malaria was a disease  
which we were in the process of wiping off the face of the Earth in  
the 60s, and which now kills slews of people in the developing world.  
The costs of banning it clearly outweigh what small "benefits" might  
have been gained.

My favorite part of this is that the very same people who cried out  
about DDT now cry about the spread of malaria from global warming!  
Haha... *cough*, oh I'm sorry, I'm choking on irony.

Joshua Job
nanite1018 at gmail.com

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