[ExI] Belief in Market Efficiency

Frank McElligott Frankmac at ripco.com
Sun Feb 8 18:51:23 UTC 2009

Gross Nation Product is calculated as money supply (m1) times a mupltier which shows the number of times the money changes hands(being spent). If you print money and this government, check that, all of the  world governments are, you will risk inflation, but if you do not spend the money being printed you risk deflation.

Presently americans have stopped spending money and if the do not start spending soon, the deflation  spiral will send us into a worldwide depression, and if history is correct a only a war will end it's hold.

If the world begins to spend like they have before with all this money(m1)  in the system you will get hype inflation and with the lost of money as an exchange  it also will also cause a great depression.

If you live in a country where hype inflation takes place you will expercience hardships most peoples can not endure.  Check Russia in late 1998 as an example where bartering was a way of life.

On this list  it has been expressed to save yourself 'buying gold' was the safe thing to do,  but the government will pass laws like they did in the 30's and they will take you gold away. Maybe gold coins would help,  but have you considered buying a cartoon of milk will a maple leaf,  and how do they make change for that tranaction.

At present there are two views fighting in Washington,  Keynes says have the government  throw money at problem and the people will spend it, and then free capitalism which says let the marketplace(the strong survive) and we will have touch times but be stronger in the end.

All I know is what my guy tells me, he's in jail now, but he said all of this will be over in 2011, and I am taking his advice and buying  a shot gun.
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