[ExI] New Book on Biotech Apparently Slams Transhumanism

Joseph Bloch seculartranshumanist at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 13:34:42 UTC 2009

I ran across this review today of "Aging, Biotechnology, and the Future":


Specifically, this passage caught my eye:

"In addition, other chapters (notably 3 and 4) seek to highlight the
limitations and flaws of the 'transhumanist' (or 'posthumanist')
movement, and to distinguish legitimate antiaging and medical concerns
from the more outlandish (and possibly dubious) visions of genetic
'futurists'. Thus, having criticised such perspectives, George J.
Annas concludes that

"We can, in short, pursue regenerative medicine without simultaneously
pursuing replicative medicine, seeking immortality, or producing the
Posthuman. (p.34, 'Immortality through Cloning?')"

George Annas isn't a friend of Transhumanist ideas as a rule, of
course. Has anyone gotten a copy of this yet? A rebuttal might be in


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