[ExI] Mary Magdelene?/was Re: Iran's plan for their gay population

Dan dan_ust at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 4 12:57:19 UTC 2009

--- On Wed, 6/3/09, painlord2k at libero.it <painlord2k at libero.it> wrote:
> Il 03/06/2009 4.27, StathisPapaioannou ha scritto:
> > 2009/6/3 painlord2k at libero.it<painlord2k at libero.it>:
>> But as discussed, Christianity has had the same
>> taboos, which have
>> been enshrined in laws prohibiting and severely
>> punishing "unnatural"
>> sexual behaviour, same as in the Islamic countries.
>> It's just that the
>> process of secularisation is further advanced in the
>> West.
> It is just that in Christianity there is the example of
> Jesus and Mary Magdalene and his exhortation "Go and never
> sin again",

That's not in the Bible.  That's a Middle Ages conflation, IIRC.  In the Bible, Jesus tells an _unnamed_ adulteress to not sin again; it's unlikely she's Mary Magdelene and there's no reason to equate the two.




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