[ExI] CA gay marriage vote/was Re: Iran's plan for theirgaypopulation

Harvey Newstrom mail at HarveyNewstrom.com
Thu Jun 4 23:07:17 UTC 2009

"spike" <spike66 at att.net> wrote,
> The gay and the cryonaut are logical allies.

James Hughes has been spreading this message for years.  Gays, and also 
transsexuals, were early transhumanists.  They wanted to change the usage or 
shapes of their bodies from one human role to another human role, and it 
freaked people out.  How are they going to handle it when they start 
changing to robotic and non-human roles?

Women's reproductive rights are another early example.  Do people have the 
right to control their own bodies, or not?  These basic questions aren't 

Harvey Newstrom <www.HarveyNewstrom.com>

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