[ExI] Mary Magdelene?/was Re: Iran's plan for their gay population

Fred C. Moulton moulton at moulton.com
Sat Jun 6 20:23:51 UTC 2009

On Sat, 2009-06-06 at 14:43 +0200, painlord2k at libero.it wrote:

> I agree that Christians not always follow their religion.
> I agree that Muslims not always follow their religion.
> Usually, when Christians follow their religion they are better humans
> (more peacefully, more forgiving, more helpful) and when Muslims don't
> follows their religion they are better humans (more peacefully, more
> forgiving, more helpful).

One obvious problem with the above is with defining "their religion" in
both the Christian and Muslim cases.  In both religions there are
numerous doctrinal differences among persons who claim to be followers
and in both religions this has led to violence.

Another issue to consider is what the person would be following if they
were not following a particular religion.  A careful consideration of
history will show that painting one religion as somehow better than
another is not always valid.

A final point to remember is that erroneously lumping all persons of a
religion into an aggregation labeled as violent and immoral might have
the unfortunate tendency to enhance the credibility of those persons who
really are more violent.


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