[ExI] USA Health Costs

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Sun Jun 7 12:08:22 UTC 2009

On 6/7/09, painlord2k wrote:
>  It is not your or my or anyone right to choose how to use someone else
> money. It is the right of the people owning the money to choose how use it.
> Who are you or someone else to rule how they must use their wealth? Are you
> morally better than them?

Yea! I don't want no doctor telling me what my disease is or what
treatments might fix it. Just because he's got degrees and stuff and
years of experience. How dare he!

I'll do a google search and know just as much as he does. Get rid of
all doctors - they're just wasting my money.

I admit I can't do operations on myself. But my friend Fred could do
the operation for me, if I printed out the instructions from google.
Really, the whole medical profession is just a big con trick. We could
all save loads of money by getting rid of them.


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