[ExI] will raise bugs for food

darren shawn greer dgreer_68 at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 6 00:36:15 UTC 2010

> somehow figure out how to program them to go out and eat kudzu and
> morning glory, then when grown, return home lay eggs and climb into a
> vat of some sort, which is mixed with caustic solvents and heated to
> render a huge protein rich soup, from which low cost fat and oils are
> extracted

And shortly after such technology is developed and put into practice, some animal rights organization starts loudly lamenting the cruel treatment of insects by cold-hearted scientists and profit-minded corporations. It would be tough to make fuzzy, heart-warming posters and TV commercials of insects being genetically herded into acid vats, however.

Unless it was butterflies.


"Dumb people do dumb things. Smart people do really dumb things."

-- Anonymous

> Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2010 16:26:47 -0700
> From: spike66 at att.net
> To: extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org
> Subject: Re: [ExI] will raise bugs for food
> --- On Thu, 8/5/10, Mike Dougherty wrote:
>> ...If that fails, you can rely on the
> environmental friendliness of eating bugs instead of cows - you know
> because of all those horrible greenhouse gases from cow "moo"s...
> .
> .
> .
> This is exactly where I am going with this. Currently we devour warm
> blooded beasts, which is highly inefficent because so much energy is
> wasted keeping the beast warm, and because it takes up so much real
> estate to raise them. It doesn't work to adapt cold blooded beasts for
> food animals (other than snake meat and alligator tails) because in
> general they grow too slowly.
> But insects produce protein, grow fast and are cold blooded. So we
> somehow figure out how to program them to go out and eat kudzu and
> morning glory, then when grown, return home lay eggs and climb into a
> vat of some sort, which is mixed with caustic solvents and heated to
> render a huge protein rich soup, from which low cost fat and oils are
> extracted, most likely to be mixed with low quality silage of some sort
> and fed to hogs.
> spike
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