[ExI] EPOC EEG headset

spike spike66 at att.net
Thu Jan 21 05:34:18 UTC 2010

>...On Behalf Of ablainey at aol.com

>...It reads various thought patterns which can be interpreted and used to
trigger keyboard events etc...

This reminds me of STNG's Councilor Deanna Troi's ability to read minds to
some extent with that whole betazoid thing she had going.  Of course being
drop dead gorgeous, most of what she read must have been something along the
lines of:  hammina hammina hammina cool me off cleavage pant pant melt...

>...I have cobbled together a 5 axis robot arm, switchboxes and a quick bit
of software to read the keyboard event which are output from the Epoc and
the result is a brain controlled robot arm.
	I don't need to state the implications.

This is wicked cool Alex!  Congratulations! 


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