[ExI] intellectual property again

Damien Broderick thespike at satx.rr.com
Thu Mar 4 17:04:47 UTC 2010

On 3/4/2010 10:10 AM, Rafal Smigrodzki wrote:

>>  The short version:
>>  We are increasingly and will eventually entirely*be*
>>  information. If
>>  we allow ownership of information, we eventually lose
>>  ownership of ourselves.

> ### I don't understand. Shouldn't it be "If we forbid the ownership of
> information, and if we are information,  then we forbid the ownership
> of ourselves."? Without IP we will have, among others, no defense
> against unauthorized copying of us (i.e. making of slave copies).

That was my thought also. "First they take away ownership of your work 
product, then they take away ownership of yourself." It really doesn't 
matter if they are plutocrats, gummints or Stalinist dictators who do 
it, it's always for the Greater Good. (The bogus "Think of the 
children!" plea.)

Which seems to me a very different proposition from deciding by 
democratic means (if that's still possible and has any meaning nowadays) 
to allocate some of our wealth, effort, dedication, cleverness in common 
ways to maximize our well-being.

Damien Broderick

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