[ExI] Question from a neophyte

natasha at natasha.cc natasha at natasha.cc
Sat Mar 6 01:33:59 UTC 2010

John wrote:

> I remember being in a Immortality Institute chatroom where a *19* year-old
> young man went on and on about how he wanted to "get rid of his damn meat
> body and be uploaded!"  Transhumanist body image problems, anyone??

Not at all!  I enjoy sports too much.  Sure, I've gotten on in the  
years and work to retard as much aging as possible, but I have no  
interest in being a bodiless thingy when there could be so many, many  
possible alternatives to bodily design - shape, consistency, material,  
transparency, etc.  As a very basic example which are rather mundane  
but at least are imaginative, just look at some of the marvelous body  
designs in Section Life.  My dear friend Elif Ayiter designs amazing  
entity forms.


While a biological body is so 20th Century, that doesn't mean that a  
body is passe.

Best to you John,

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