[ExI] Energy hints

spike spike66 at att.net
Sat Mar 6 03:35:49 UTC 2010


> ...On Behalf Of Dave Sill
> Subject: Re: [ExI] Energy hints
> On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 9:14 PM, Mike Dougherty 
> <msd001 at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > You mean the way we envy our [great-]grandparents who 
> shoveled chunks of coal into boilers to drive steam engines?
> No, more like the way we wish we could still flush a turd 
> with a single push of the handle.
> -Dave

Dave, you know that it is a really easy modification to make your toilet a
single flush, ja?  You are smart enough to fix computers and such; toilets
are about a tenth of a percent as complicated.  Look in there, figure out
how it works, use your imagination.  Get a plastic tube and extend that
vertical overflow pipe, then adjust the float that operates the cutoff valve
so that the tank fills almost to the top.  Then it will become a
one-flusher, and stay cleaner.

A waste disposal plant operator told me what happened when the lawmakers
really got serious about forcing the introduction of the low water use
toilets: the effluvient arrived at the plant in a form that was too
concentrated to be processed efficiently.  Solution: the waste plant added
fresh water back into the effluvient before it went into the processing
tank.  Fresh water costs money of course, so they increased the bills to the
customers.  Problem solved.



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