[ExI] Mind controlled wheechair

Mike Dougherty msd001 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 20 01:20:44 UTC 2010

2010/3/19  <ablainey at aol.com>:
> Cars have been 'done' before too, but each one has patentable parts and
> systems. The point is that I am not going to stand in the way of people who
> need the technology for the sake of personal wealth.

I would suggest doing the necessary work to 'protect' you IP, then
open source it.  That might make it harder for someone else to mildly
improve on a public domain asset and claim it is a novelty that they
can then own.

(I almost said "necessary leg work" but considered that might be
insensitive in a discussion of mind-controlled wheelchairs, then
thought the PC self-monitoring was amusing enough to share anyway)

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