[ExI] Zombie Jesus

David Lubkin lubkin at unreasonable.com
Thu May 20 18:43:46 UTC 2010

Stefano wrote in "Cryonics is getting more respect from the courts":

>After all, aren't zombies, philosophical or other, the archetypical
>reanimated corpses?

Damien replied:

>I'd have thought that in Western Civ, the archetypal reanimated 
>corpses are Lazarus and Jesus. Given that they were Jews, and I 
>gather Jews mostly don't believe in a pop-in "soul" ontologically 
>distinct from the body, this could raise some interesting questions as well.

Jesus was a zombie? I like it!

Given the annoying trend of _Sense and Sensibility and Sea
Monsters_ and _Pride and Prejudice and Zombies_, we might
as well have Jesus as undead.

Vampires are also trendy and undead. Since Jesus could turn
water to wine, and the communion wine transubstantiates into
the blood of Christ, would he need to bite necks? Wouldn't he
be attracted to crosses and holy water, rather than repelled?

Irreverent minds want to know.

-- David.

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