[ExI] Fwd: About your "Open Letter on Brain Preservation"

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Mon May 24 06:48:16 UTC 2010

On 5/24/10, Bryan Bishop wrote:
> In reality, this is a ponzie scheme by the formaldehyde consortium to
>  undermine the market rates for their product. Okay, just kidding- I
>  really have no idea why there's a fixation on.. er, this particular
>  glycolation fixation.

The obvious reason is that this field is what the originators of the
petition are experts on.

It comes from the Brain Preservation Foundation. This org has a very
small web presence. It was set up by Ken Hayworth, John Smart, and
several others.

Ken Hayworth's research is described here:

Among other reasons chemical preservation is much cheaper than cryonics.


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