[ExI] Eliezer S. Yudkowsky, Singularitarian Principles. Update?

Richard Loosemore rpwl at lightlink.com
Mon Nov 15 14:08:06 UTC 2010

Samantha Atkins wrote:

> Again, I was on SL4 pretty much from the beginning and certainly was
> not any sort of cultist or yes-woman.  So how come I wasn't banned if
> your characterization is valid?  And no, this isn't an invitation to
> revisit just how much you feel you were wronged by Eliezer in the
> past.


As I pointed out in a post the other day that you (pointedly) ignored: 
I was banned from SL4 immediately after I suggested that Eliezer's AND 
my own comments be put in front of an outside expert in cognitive science.

Since the debate between Eliezer and myself was about a particular 
technical issue in cognitive science, that would have been a perfect way 
for onlookers to assess whether Eliezer's comments really were as 
ridiculous as I said they were.

As soon as I made that suggestion, he banned me from SL4, wrote several 
defamatory essays about me, and then forbade anyone on SL4 from 
discussing the matter further.

Why have *you* never been banned?  I don't know:  perhaps because you 
don't have enough knowledge to challenge his core beliefs and defend 
yourself successfully.

Richard Loosemore

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