[ExI] Singularity

Alan Grimes agrimes at speakeasy.net
Tue Nov 16 14:05:52 UTC 2010


> IMHO opinion there has perhaps been too much focus on "existential risk" at the cost of insufficient
> focus on clearly visioning the positive future we wish to bring into
being.   I feel at times as if
> much of our energy has become focused on the negative and we have lost
sight of or failed to
> sufficiently embrace the positive.    It is much easier generally to
see what is wrong or may turn
> out wrong than to cleanly imagine a positive outcome and work
diligently to bring it about.   From
> talking with many transhumanists it does not seem that we have that
clear and coherent a shared
> vision of the desired future.

That is remarkably true. As far as I can gather there is an extremely
rude and vocal contingient that says that no matter what the future may
bring, it will involve destructively scanning the brain. However, when
pressed for any other details they all give different answers.

> If not then how can we can we expect to work together to bring it
> about?   We have many shared dream fragments but that is not enough
for a coherent vision.

Yes, it also seems impossible for some people to accept the simple fact
that I do not want to upload, and therefore this becomes an
insurmountable stumbling block... It's almost as if that my refusal to
accept uploading is bringing the movement to a screeching halt, and that
it will resume at full pace only after I agree to drink the kool-aid.
(fully acknowledging that this is an extremely subjective point of view.)

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