[ExI] What might be enough for a friendly AI?

spike spike66 at att.net
Thu Nov 18 07:14:17 UTC 2010


From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
[mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of Samantha Atkins

. On Behalf Of Florent Berthet
Subject: Re: [ExI] What might be enough for a friendly AI?


>>>.It may just be me, but this whole friendliness thing bothers me.


>>Good.  It should bother you.  It bothers anyone who really thinks about


>>>.I don't really mind dying if my successors (supersmart beings or
whatever) can be hundreds of times happier than me.



>>Florent you are a perfect example of dangerous person to have on the AGI
development team.  You (ad I too) might go down this perfectly logical line
of reasoning, then decide to take it upon ourselves to release the AGI, in
order to maximize happiness.


>This is the Cosmist or Terran question.  If you considered it very highly
probable that the AGIs would be fantastically brilliant and wonderful beyond
imagining AND would be the doom of humanity  then would you still build it
or donate to and encourage building it?    I would but with very
considerable hesitation and not feeling all that great about it. - samantha


OK, Samantha now we must add you to the long and growing list of dangerous
people to have on the AGI development team.  Your comment makes my point
exactly.  To have some member of the team intentionally release the AGI does
not require some crazed maniac, no drug addled bumbler, no insanely greedy
capitalist.  You are none of these, nor am I (perhaps a sanely greedy
capitalist), but honesty compels me to confess I would seriously consider
releasing the beast.  With rational players like you, me, Florent, others
entertaining the notion, we can be sure that someone on some development
team will eventually release the AGI.  


I am against uploading anyone against her will.  My own actions might depend
on whether the AGI can convince me it would not do that.  But I am fully
convinced that if silicon based AGI is possible, it will not be contained
very long.  Those who work on friendly AGI likely know this too.  Since many
of us are atheists, the saying becomes: Good luck and nothingspeed.








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