[ExI] Hal Lewis' resignation from The American Physical Society

Keith Henson hkeithhenson at gmail.com
Sat Oct 9 19:37:47 UTC 2010

On Sat, Oct 9, 2010 at 9:58 AM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:


> Reasoning: regardless of whether global warming is true or false, regardless
> of whether it is manmade or otherwise (and I see good evidence on all sides
> of these question) I have personally witnessed what looks to me like
> scientific malpractice on all sides of this issue, corruption by money and
> politics of a damn complicated question, claims of solid consensus on a
> topic in which reasonable doubt is perfectly legitimate.
> It is perfectly OK to have a strong scientific opinion on a matter which is
> not yet completely settled.

Actually, Spike, it's not OK to have a strong opinion on this
particular issue at all.

It is a complete red herring distraction.

The big problem is *energy.*

It just happens that none of the long term energy solutions releases
carbon, so to whatever extent that is a problem it will get fixed by a
solution to the energy problem.

But noooooo.  People get to arguing over an issue that is immaterial
when they should all be focusing on the problem that's coming sooner
and is much more serious.


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