[ExI] Psi in a major science journal

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Fri Oct 22 15:37:11 UTC 2010

On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 4:24 PM, Damien Broderick  wrote:
> Mine also, in a way. But then billions of dollars are being invested in the
> LHC and various deep space telescopes, the results of which seem unlikely to
> yield a Mall-full of wonderful new product any day soon. The value of
> finding out what's behind the anomalous results lumped together as "psi"
> isn't that we might get a garage door that opens when you make a wish, but
> that scientific insight into the structure of the universe will become
> deepened and more clarified. Knowing that events at t1 can be influenced by
> events at t1+n (as Bem and others have demonstrated) is a genuine
> contribution to human knowledge, whether or not the Amazing Mandrake can
> saunter into a casino and break the bank.

That's probably a lot to do with why scientists are not interested in psi.

On the one hand - billion dollar machines going where no one has gone
before, Nobels in sight, or at least a career as a famous researcher.

On the other hand - psychology stuff, which is basically people chatting.

No comparison.


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