[ExI] Software for writers

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Thu Sep 9 22:35:33 UTC 2010

On 9/9/10, samantha wrote:
> On a Mac it is not so good.  Nasty stack trace and the window doesn't
>  resize.

Getting it to run at all on a Mac is an achievement!

The website says:
yWriter5 is designed for Windows XP, Vista and beyond. Win98 and Win2k
users should be able to use it, but those operating systems are
unsupported. yWriter5 will also run under Mono 2.4 or later on
Gnu/Linux. Tested on Gentoo and Ubuntu 9.10.
(The author doesn't have a Mac to test on)

There are instructions here (which you've probably found already)

The author is quite approachable and will probably be happy to discuss
problems with you via email. He is a writer as well as a programmer
and wrote the software to help authors.
See contact page on website.

I found this email from him in a discussion group:

Simon Haynes said...
      Re Macs and yWriter, I deliberately chose dotnet 2.0 as the
programming language for yWriter5 because the Mono library can also be
installed on Mac and Linux, allowing you to run the program on those
operating systems. (Speech won't work, alas) There's a tutorial for
getting it running on this yWriter5 wiki page:

    Bear in mind that while it runs 100% on Windows, and I also have
Ubuntu installed so I can test it on Linux, I don't have access to
Mac. I can't say whether every feature works as it should, possibly
because most Mac users are running Scrivener or some other
Mac-specific app.

    July 30, 2010 6:30 AM



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