[ExI] Trehalose for life-extension?

estropico estropico at gmail.com
Sun Sep 19 07:48:28 UTC 2010

Eric Drexler examines the properties of a disaccharide (trehalose) in
autophagy, on his blog:

Trehalose, autophagy, and brain repair: Sweet

The stuff has recently become available to the general public, so the
whole thing is even more exciting...

Before we all rush to buy it, it's worth mentioning that Drexler
follows up the above post with another one on the role of trehalase,
the enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of trehalose to glucose:

Trehalose vs. trehalase

He ends his second post with a question:

"When someone swallows trehalose, where does it go, and how long does
it stay there? Knowing how humans compare to mice in this regard would
help to clarify the possible significance of several studies in the
literature. Can someone point me to a reference that answers this

I had a go on Pubmed, but didn't come up with anything. Can anyone
here do better?


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