[ExI] PaleoCRON?

Stefano Vaj stefano.vaj at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 10:21:52 UTC 2011

On 26 April 2011 10:44, Jones Murphy <morphy at alumni.caltech.edu> wrote:
> Unfortunately none of us will be around to see the results of
> long-term whole-life human studies on Paleo 2.0 ad-lib versus
> CRON(Calorie restriction with optimal nutrition) diets. The two are
> not mutually exclusive, but I suspect reasonably strict(say 30% or
> tougher) CRON of any kind(including PaleoCRON) will end up trumping
> ad-lib Paleo.

I think we all have some anedoctical evidence as to the dividends of
caloric restriction, but I suspect they may be especially important
when nutrition is NOT optimal, in particular in terms of
proportionally high carb intake.

I am inclined to believe both that carb damages are somewhat limited
if you eat very little of anything (see famine societies...), and that
eating very little of anything make for a slower, more parsimonious
metabolism anyway.

OTOH, one wonders what's the point of exchanging performance and
intensity against duration. A distinctly anti-transhumanist attitude,
if one asks me.

Stefano Vaj

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