[ExI] commentary by one of ours

Ben Zaiboc bbenzai at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 3 11:07:50 UTC 2011

Eugen Leitl <eugen at leitl.org> asked:

>On Thu, Dec 01, 2011 at 07:52:03AM -0800, Aware wrote:
>> I think it's interesting that both sides of the DRM debate focus on
>> paying (or not) for product, with no thought of instead paying for
>> production.
>Can you expand your remark somewhat more? Are you talking
>about financing each step of the publishing process instead
>of just the end result?

How much did it cost you to publish that email?

We've entered an era when publishing costs can be negligible, but people still want/need to be paid for /creating/ things.

The traditonal publishers haven't really caught on to this yet, and may well be in the position of dinosaurs 65 myr ago heading for the pretty orange glow on the horizon, thinking it might keep them warm.  Some of them are carrying firetongs to control it.

Ben Zaiboc

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