[ExI] Watson On Jeopardy.

Kelly Anderson kellycoinguy at gmail.com
Thu Feb 17 00:36:58 UTC 2011

>> On Feb 16, 2011, at 10:20 AM, Richard Loosemore wrote:
>> So I repeat my previous request, please tell us all about the wonderful AI
>> program that you have written that does things even more intelligently than
>> Watson.
> Done:  read my papers.

I've done that. At least all the papers I could find online. I have
not seen in your papers anything approaching a utilitarian algorithm,
a practical architecture or anything of the sort. Do you have a
working program that does ANYTHING? You have some fine theories
Richard, but theories that don't lead to some kind of productive
result belong in journals of philosophy, not journals of computer
science. You have some very interesting philosophical ideas, but I
haven't seen anything in your papers that rise to the level of
computer science.

> Questions?  Just ask!

What is the USEFUL and working application of your theories?

Show me the beef!


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