[ExI] one way trip to mars

Amon Zero amon at doctrinezero.com
Wed Jan 12 12:55:29 UTC 2011

> Then I thought the same kind of method could probably be applied to the mind.  Most minds will have a lot in common, just as all life
> has a lot in common (we are very similar, genetically, to pineapples, for example), so perhaps, given a sufficiently established
> infrastructure, you could travel as a set of mind-parameters, to be applied to a template when you arrive.  It may be possible to
> compress a person down to megabytes, or even less, in this way.

Hey Ben -

I like this idea. Makes me think of terms like 'personality vectors'
(which to me implies both vector mapping and vectors of transmission).
My first thought is that there would still be some detail-rich
personality "content" which probably couldn't easily be compressed or
described in terms of parameters; namely memories. But I daresay
memories contain a lot of redundant information too... recurring
themes, images, & associations, for one.

- A

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