[ExI] I just want to help (Was: Moooon)

Ben Zaiboc bbenzai at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 21 22:31:12 UTC 2011

Will Steinberg <steinberg.will at gmail.com> cried plaintively:

>All that many of you seem to do is preach to the choir.  This is good for
>feeling good, but doesn't get anything done in the vein of pushing a
>transhumanist agenda.  I would be very happy seeing more outreach to the
>general community.  I know I try to talk to folks, though I don't enough by
>far.  It's depressing to see how science is viewed by so many people.  I
>want to change that.  Don't you want to change that?  Nothing is going to be
>different until that happens, and until that happens, everyone on Earth
>won't be as happy as possible, and everybody on Earth will die.  I want to
>change that, too!  I love humans!  We are the best thing that has happened
>to this solar system since sliced bread!
>I just want to help.  What can I do to help?


Ben Zaiboc

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