[ExI] North Korea's super EMP Bomb

Keith Henson hkeithhenson at gmail.com
Sun Jun 19 06:26:38 UTC 2011

On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 4:02 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
>>... On Behalf Of Keith Henson
> ...
> "According to the NTSB, Capt. Asoh said that he was making a coupled
> approach, but because of problems with his pressure altimeter, he was
> relying on the more accurate radio altimeter for verification of altitude.
> ...Instead, he was nearly in the waters of San Francisco Bay. He applied
> power, which raised the nose somewhat, and then the right main landing gear
> hit the water, followed by the left, and then the aircraft slewed to the
> left. Capt. Asoh cut power the aircraft settled into the shallow waters of
> San Francisco Bay...Keith
> So this is where the well-known saying came from!  There is an urban legend
> about this incident, of which the local Lockheed engineers are very
> familiar, the older ones anyway.  The NTSB launched an investigation into
> how this accident happened, which turned up the radio altimeter.  Captain
> Asoh was Japanese and took the honorable Samurai approach: he owned the
> error and fell upon his sword.  Right after the accident he was of course
> suicidally despondent.  He was questioned by the NTSB.  He replied with an
> answer that became the way all honorable Lockheed engineers are expected to
> do when something goes wrong and they realize they are mostly at fault.
> When asked "Captain, how did this happen?"  he replied:  "Asoh fuck up."
> spike

Funny Spike, but also tragic if it it wasn't really the pilot's fault.


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