[ExI] Burzynski the Movie The Great Cancer Hoax

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 07:52:32 UTC 2011

On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 8:28 AM, Jeff Davis wrote:
> No, you didn't.  It's not there.  But my web search found some folks
> who complained he was a crank, that their father died, after some very
> expensive treatment.  I extrapolated.
> Then after the unhappy ones complain, the grateful ones come forward
> to testify, in support of the good doctor, as the movie shows.
> Did I miss the focus of your question.  Was it more about whether the
> treatment worked or not?

The trouble with cancer is that there is a small % of spontaneous remission.
Every cancer 'treatment' will be able to point to a few 'cures'. Even
Lourdes can do this.

When patients end up at these unapproved clinics, they have already
had a lot of conventional treatment and are probably pretty sick.
1)  most would be expected to die anyway,
2)  If they are cured, it could be the previous treatments that were
curing them,
3)  How do you prove a few weeks / months of very expensive treatments
(not covered by insurance) at the clinic produced the cure?
4)  The money from the very expensive treatment of all those who die
keep the clinic running.

This applies to all unapproved clinics. That why trials are needed.
Even when a cure is achieved there is no way of proving how the cure
was achieved. And if you die anyway, your family has lost all their


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