[ExI] Two Japanese reactors on red alert

spike spike66 at att.net
Wed Mar 16 04:10:51 UTC 2011

... On Behalf Of Jeff Davis
... (How much cancer has resulted from the plume generated by the "four
corners" coal burning power plant?).

Best, Jeff Davis

Coal soot gives us emphysema, not cancer.

The news out of Japan just gets worse and worse.

For nuclear power, look to me like they could put the reactors in submarines
along the coasts and send the power ashore in really big cables.  They could
have them hanging a few meters off the bottom with the power cables resting
on the sea floor.  They could dump the waste heat from the Carnot cycle
directly into the seawater.  That arrangement would make them impervious to
earthquake and tsunami, wouldn't require those big cooling towers which
(especially now) panic the populace and so forth.  

If something goes terribly wrong and a meltdown occurs, you have the option
of setting an explosive charge to disperse the fuel rods on the sea bottom,
so that they don't form a critical mass and spoil our whole day.


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